Together, we create a circular future

If we continue like this, by the end of the century a global warming of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius will be inevitable. This comes with huge effects for our livelihoods. Imagine the effects only for the Netherlands, which lays for a large part 5 or more metres below sea level. We are the first generation who can experience the climate change, and we are the generation who can do something about it before it’s too late.

From an economy on fossil fuels we need a transition to an economy that runs on 100% sustainable energy. Thankfully, many people are aware and working towards a more sustainable future. We have to experiment and create new solutions. The Netherlands is about to become the first circular hotspot, with many experiments to close the loop and have as minimal impact as possible. The Dutch have proven ability to overcome challenges in the areas of water and agriculture. Last week Vitens won the Circular Icon Price 2015, as a great example for innovation and collaboration. The prize is yearly awarded to innovating projects that demonstrated how Circular Netherlands can look like. The Vitens Project shows how waste streams coming from the water purification, can be used as valuable raw materials. The use of these residues helps the sustainability of the water sector and the agricultural sector with great benefits for the quality of water, farmer and also for the water company.

Already ten years ago DUTCH PICTURE INDUSTRY felt the need to show what is already practiced as sustainable solutions. In our TV series Going South cycling the Americas we inspired our audience with eye opening ideas and simple yet remarkable initiatives taken by businesses, non-governmental organizations and individuals in our society. Going South, meets several categories of sustainability, from condom trees and ceramic water purification to green parenting and a rent-a-bike-plan in Mexico city. It’s all in the series. Take a look at the projects at the website

Within our productions we give the solutions to climate change a face. Who are the hard working people? What do they do, where do they believe in? We keep spreading awareness and keep the motivated people close to our productions. We believe global warming can be stopped by all of us, together. Now let’s go and safe the world!

Today is Green Screen Day on IDFA. Thomas Rau, architect and innovation specialist will give a free lecture. See the full program here.

November 29th is the World Climate March. This year it’s going to be huge! We encourage everyone around the world to join and raise his or her voices!

Do you have any tips to make this world more circular? Please share your thoughts in the comments!